Tentang SIEGA
Soegijapranata Catholic University obtained an operational license for the Information Systems study program in 2013 with the Information Systems and Game Technology concentration program. Furthermore, in 2017, a dual lecture program in Accounting + Information Systems (AKSI) and an E-Commerce concentration were opened in 2018.

Information Systems – E Commerce – Game Technology
SIEGA Unika Soegijapranata memperoleh akreditasi Baik Sekali berdasarkan Keputusan BAN-PT No. 10974/SK/BAN-PT/Ak.ISK/S/IX/2021 pada 21 September 2021
To become an academic community that excels in education, research and service based on Christian values: love, justice and honesty
- Organizing academic quality education supported by the development of a complete personality and leadership potential.
- Conducting research for the development of science and technology to improve human welfare.
- Doing community service as the application of science and technology that has been developed in research and human welfare.
- Giving attention and seeking solutions to various socio-cultural problems in society through the academic community.
- Develop a network of cooperation with various local, national and international educational, research and service institutions to improve the quality of education and research.
- Improving and developing the university continuously, so that it can support all efforts to achieve excellence.
SIEGA is an acronym for several concentrations in the Information Systems Study Program, Soegijapranata Catholic University Semarang, namely,
Information Systems, E-Commerce, Game Technology, and Accounting + Information Systems.
SIEGA was established on 11 November 2011 which was founded by Prof. Dr. Ridwan Sanjaya S.E., S.Kom., MS.IEC. The Information Systems Study Program obtained an operating permit and accreditation through the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 235/E/O/2013 on June 25 2013 with the first accreditation namely C.
May 9, 2017 Based on the decision of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education Regarding Accreditation Status and Accredited Rating of the Information Systems Study Program in the Undergraduate Program of Soegijapranata Catholic University, Semarang No. 1354/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/V/2017 The Information Systems Study Program obtained accreditation C.
May 4, 2021 Based on the decision of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education Regarding Accreditation Status and Accredited Rating of the Information Systems Study Program in the Soegijapranata Catholic University Undergraduate Program, Semarang No. 2634/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/V/2021 obtained accreditation B.
On September 21, 2021, the accreditation of the Information Systems Study Program at the Soegijapranata Catholic University Undergraduate Program carried out a UTI conversion and was listed in the Decree of the Higher Education National Accreditation Board No. 10974/SK/BAN-PT/AK-ISK/S/IX/2021 regarding the Accreditation Rating of the Information Systems Study Program at the Soegijapranata Catholic University Bachelor Program, Semarang City, being Very Good with a Score of 338.
Since 2021 the Information Systems Study Program with various concentrations in it has created a new nickname, namely SIEGA which stands for the concentration in it, where SIEGA itself is also a lifestyle, enthusiasm and new experiences.
The Soegijapranata Catholic University Information Systems study program has several concentration programs, namely:
- S1 Business Information Systems (Business Information Systems),
- S1 Game Technology (Game Technology),
- S1 E-commerce,
- S1 Accounting + S1 Information System (Double Degree)