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SIEGA is a new lifestyle, passion and experience

In Spanish, Siega means harvest. In the SIEGA community or Information Systems, E Commerce, Game Technology, and Accounting + Information Systems at Soegijapranata Catholic University, we believe that mastering information technology is a necessity. If the application is appropriate, then we will harvest a better human life

Maxine Olexa, SIEGA E-Commerce Student class of 2020 won first place Student of the Year (SOTY) 2022 which is an annual prestigious event at Soegijapranata Catholic University to find young talents who think creatively, critically, caring, tough and visionary.

Continuing Maxine Olexa's struggle, Evelyn Vania, a SIEGA Information Systems student class of 2021, won first place Student of the Year (SOTY) 2023, which is an annual prestigious event at Unika Soegijapranata to find young talents who think creatively, critically, care, tough and visionary. 

SIEGA Unika Soegijapranata received Very Good accreditation based on BAN-PT Decree No. 10974/SK/BAN-PT/Ak.ISK/S/IX/2021 on September 21 2021

Soegijapranata Catholic University received a Superior Accreditation rating based on the Decree of the Director of the BAN PT Executive Board on April 11 2023


SIEGA Soegijapranata Catholic University develops Entrepreneurship Lockers as IoT-Based Culinary Business and QRIS Payment System

SIEGA Graduate Prospects

This time, SIEGA Verse discusses the job prospects of SIEGA graduates with Yedija Prima, Game Technology alumni class of 2013. Want to know what's the excitement? Let's watch the video!

What Work Information Systems Graduates?

Want to know what are the job prospects for the Information Systems major? Come on, check out the article!

SIEGA Student Book Launching 2022

Since the beginning of SIEGA students are invited to experience new experiences in writing books that are published globally on Google Play Book

SIEGA Metaverse

Happy new year in SIEGA Metaverse! Join us to welcome the new year 2022

New Year 2022

Welcome the New Year 2022 with SIEGA lecturers. Let's see what are the messages and resolutions?

What is SIEGA?

Creating new experiences is the spirit of the SIEGA community, where they try not to limit themselves, don't want to be in the comfort zone, even out of the box to produce new information technology innovations that are useful for others, through capabilities in:

Sistem Informasi E-Commerce Game Technology Akuntansi-Sistem Informasi

What are the activities?

SIEGA bridges information technology and humanity

Information systems engineering, development of desktop and mobile-based applications, development of game applications, and digitalization of accounting processes in business are efforts to provide solutions to various business and societal needs.

SIEGA Student Book Launching 2021
Virtual Reality-based Learning Technology Simulator
Augmented Reality Game Workshop

Acceptance of Academic / Sports Achievement Path
1 September 2022 – 31 August 2023

Free Entrance Test, One Day Service

PMB Hotline 085727284162