SISFORMA: Journal of Information Systems is an online journal published by Department of Information Systems, Faculty of Computer Science, Soegijapranata Catholic University. This journal will be published every 6 months in May and November in English with ISSN (Print): 2355-8253 dan ISSN (Media Online) : 2442-7888
This journal is intended to accommodate the scientific writings of the ideas or studies related to Information Systems. The topic that will be published includes: Education and Curiculum; Game Theory and Game Technology; General topic in Information System; E-business, ERP, CMS; Artificial Intelligence and Enterprise System Information; Network and Computer Security; Information Technology.
This journal has been accredited Third Grade “SINTA 3” by Ministry of Research and Technology / National Agency for Research and Innovation, Republic of Indonesia (SK: 30/E/KPT/2018)
Journal of Business and Technology is a Double Blind Peer Review journal, published regularly 3 times a year every April, August and December, with e-ISSN 2776-0332.
The journal is intended to to accommodate the scientific writings of the ideas or studies related to business and technology in Information Systems.